IFR trip from Madison MS to Steubenville OH with ATC COMS - Video
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A Lieberman
2009-04-27 00:41:17 UTC
My Thursday flight up to Ohio.

6 hours flight time compressed into two 8 minute videos.

First video

is the leg from Madison MS KMBO to Bowling Green MS Flew through
some rain showers on this leg.

Second video

is the leg from Bowling Green MS to Steubenville, OH. Other then an
"expected reroute" around a MOA, this trip was as uneventful as it
gets. Severe clear as it gets for this distance on this leg.

"Skinny runway" at 2G2 :-)))
2009-04-28 22:39:15 UTC
Return trip from Ohio to MS with ATC COMS

9 hours of flight time compressed to three different videos. All the
videos pick up when I pick up my clearances to landing.

First video is 2G2 to KLEX

Original destination was to be KBWG however headwinds of 50 knots made
BWG unreachable. Video includes my diversion request with center
Apparently this request wasn't passed on to KLEX approach. Very lucky
it didn't cause an traffic conflict on my course reversal when I was
instructed to procede on course! Video at the end includes me
requesting progressive taxi instructions with ground.

Second video is KLEX to KTUP.http://www.youtube.com/watch?

Arrived at KLEX, had to file new flight plans with FSS since KLEX FBO
didn't have a computer with internet access (only a WSI weather
briefing terminal)..First part of the video concentrates on the ground
operations and I put circles where I am on the airport diagram. Video
includes a report of a possible ELT activation

Third video is KTUP to KMBO

More inflight video in this video since there was more to see insofar
as clouds below me what little there was. Was getting light to
moderate chop at my original altitude so I requested higher in this

Total flight time for April 24th was 9.1 hours.
2009-04-30 22:05:00 UTC
"Cloudlights" of my recent MS to OH trip.

Short 2 1/2 minute video to music showing clouds seen during my trip
from MS to OH.
