IFR flight to the practice area with ATC COMMS - Video
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A Lieberman
2009-02-14 02:27:11 UTC
I was determined to touch a cloud today. Been quite some time and I
need to maintain my proficiency even if I couldn't do an approach in
actual conditions at least I did poke my head inside a cloud.

Flight was a pop up IFR where I requested a block altitude as I wanted
the flexibility to select my altitude.

Still amazed that only 4500 feet separated me from a dull dreary day
to a bright sunny day. Talk about having my head in the clouds :-)))

Always amazed how may plates ATC has to spin in a given moment and
still take care of a bumbling pilot like myself!!
A Lieberman
2009-02-16 21:10:53 UTC
I'd be remiss if I didn't post the ultimate reason for my request of a
block altitude

Short video
which includes
10 to 15 seconds snippets of my my recent trip to the NE practice area
of KMBO put to music (no ATC).

Not sure if I can think of a better reason for requesting a block

Got to say, learned this trick from my IA instructor. Only
difference is that in training, he didn't keep me on top, he put me
right back in the soup. :-D
