Post by Jim StewartI was having trouble finding out what the AO2
fields meant. Found this web page that explains
it pretty well.
Go down to "Part 4 Remarks and Coded Data:"
Reading in the Aeronautical Information Manual, you can find more
information regarding AO1 and AO2. Referencing 7-1-12 'Weather
Observing Programs', paragraph d. 'Automated Surface Observing System
(ASOS)/Automated Weather Sensor System (AWSS) section 5. 'There are
two types of automated stations, AO1 for automated weather reporting
stations without a precipitation discriminator, and AO2 for automated
stations with a precipitation discriminator. As appropriate, "AO1"
and "AO2" shall appear in the remarks. (A precipitation discriminator
can determine the difference between liquid and frozen/freezing
A link follows: