VFR flight to KMEI Flight Following with ATC comms - Video
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A Lieberman
2009-01-18 01:28:11 UTC
VFR flight to Meridian Key Field, Meridian MS.

Pop up VFR flight following requested. ATC and intercom
communications included in whole video..

Thought it was strange that KMEI tower would ask me to report 3 mile
left base when they had radar coverage. I was about set up for a
straight in approach (30 degree heading off centerline)

Even stranger was the request for me to report clear of airspace delta
after the touch and go. I got tongue tied on that response as you
will see.

Any idea why these type of request would have been made by Tower since
they indicated they had radar?
Mark Hansen
2009-01-18 02:06:34 UTC
Post by A Lieberman
VFR flight to Meridian Key Field, Meridian MS.
Pop up VFR flight following requested. ATC and intercom
communications included in whole video..
What's a pop-up VFR flight following request?
Post by A Lieberman
Thought it was strange that KMEI tower would ask me to report 3 mile
left base when they had radar coverage. I was about set up for a
straight in approach (30 degree heading off centerline)
Even stranger was the request for me to report clear of airspace delta
after the touch and go. I got tongue tied on that response as you
will see.
Any idea why these type of request would have been made by Tower since
they indicated they had radar?
Mark Hansen, PP-ASEL, Instrument Airplane, USUA Ultralight Pilot
Cal Aggie Flying Farmers
Sacramento, CA
A Lieberman
2009-01-18 03:16:41 UTC
Post by Mark Hansen
What's a pop-up VFR flight following request?
Probably bad terminology :-) as I kinda compare it to a pop up IFR
request in my mind

In this case I didn't file a flight plan or open a VFR flight plan

Just popped up to ATC and asked for flight following.
Elliot G
2009-02-02 15:40:01 UTC
Post by Mark Hansen
What's a pop-up VFR flight following request?
Probably bad terminology :-) as I kinda compare it to a pop up IFR
request in my mind

In this case I didn't file a flight plan or open a VFR flight plan

Just popped up to ATC and asked for flight following.


With the exception of a flight plan and hand-offs from one radar facility to
the other - what is the difference between flight following and pop-up
flight following, and simply requesting radar service or traffic advisory
service when passing near a busy airport approach and departure services?
Mark Hansen
2009-02-02 16:01:53 UTC
Post by A Lieberman
Post by Mark Hansen
What's a pop-up VFR flight following request?
Probably bad terminology :-) as I kinda compare it to a pop up IFR
request in my mind
In this case I didn't file a flight plan or open a VFR flight plan
Just popped up to ATC and asked for flight following.
With the exception of a flight plan and hand-offs from one radar facility to
the other - what is the difference between flight following and pop-up
flight following, and simply requesting radar service or traffic advisory
service when passing near a busy airport approach and departure services?
I raised the issue because the term "pop-up" is used for IFR flight plans
requested while en-route (rather than filed ahead of time). For example, if
you're flying VFR and find your destination below VFR weather minimums. If
you (and your plane) are legal for IFR flight, you can request a pop-up
IFR flight plan from ATC.
Mark Hansen, PP-ASEL, Instrument Airplane, USUA Ultralight Pilot
Cal Aggie Flying Farmers
Sacramento, CA
Rik Brown
2009-01-31 08:06:00 UTC
Post by A Lieberman
VFR flight to Meridian Key Field, Meridian MS
Pop up VFR flight following requested. ATC and interco
communications included in whole video.Thank you for the enjoyable video. Keep them coming! -- Ri
Rik Brow

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